Communication Disorders major Rachel Antrim '13 is the first BW student to have work featured through a partnership between The Inspired Treehouse and BW's Speech and Language department. The collaboration gives students the opportunity to publish their creative work on the site. Assistant Professor and Director of the Baldwin Wallace Speech Clinic, Christie Needham coordinated the partnership between the department and the website during the 2013 fall semester.
The Inspired Treehouse is a blog written by three mothers who specialize in pediatric, physical and occupational therapy and features constructive activities for parents to do with their children that will support their development. Antrim's 'Winter Wonderland Sounds Game' is the first by a BW student to be featured on the blog. It's a fun, winter themed activity that helps children understand letters and sounds.
Needham says she is looking forward to seeing more BW students contribute to the blog in the near future as students create additional activities for use in and out of the classroom.