Monday, July 7, 2014

BW Jobs Analysis Challenges and Makes News Headlines

An assessment by BW economics department chair and professor Veronica Kalich that "Ohio has yet to regain at least 120,000 jobs it lost since the recession began more than six years ago" made front page news in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Sunday.

Following the trumpeted release of improved national unemployment figures last month, Kalich looked at Labor Department data for Ohio from the start of the recession through May 2014. "The big headline was that the U.S. was back," Kalich told the newspaper. "I am sorry, but Ohio is not back to where we were in December 2007."

Kalich and other economists interviewed for the report say "education is key to Ohio not only recovering jobs lost during the recession, but creating new jobs as well. Throughout the recession and recovery, people with the highest education levels had the lowest unemployment rates."

Read more about Kalich's Ohio unemployment analysis at