Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Student Cyber Defense Team Wins Ohio Competition

The BW Cyber Defense Team, a collection of tech-savvy BW students who fight off strikes from nefarious hackers, took first place in the 2015 Ohio State Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC)!

Placed in command of a "realistic computer network," the team was tasked with maintaining uptime, completing business tasks, and defending the network from hackers. Winning teams were able to do all of these tasks effectively, and BW was among the most effective, placing first among 5 teams from Ohio and second overall with teams from six states entered in the showdown.

"We've worked many hours preparing for this competition," says Kenneth Atchinson, a BW computer science faculty member and advisor for the BW Cyber Defense Team. "This is as close to being in a 'real life' scenario as one can get. The experience of working as a team to secure the network, getting tasks from judges, then having hackers attack your system in ways you may not have expected - you just can't get this from a classroom."

The team will now go on to participate in the Mid-West Regional CCDC competition in Chicago on March 27-28, where the stakes are higher, the hackers "more fierce," and the judges more involved.