Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where The Jobs Are: BW Education Insight

Courtney DeSchepper '14 with fellow classmate (Courtesy of WEWS)
Courtney DeSchepper '14 has wanted to be a special education teacher since she was in the second grade.

"I was in a classroom with my mother, who is a one-on-one aide in our special education classroom back home," DeSchepper  told WEWS TV in a report on the future of teaching jobs, "and she was having me work with a student on a puzzle. It took her a whole month to put a fifty-piece puzzle together, but that day when she got her very last piece in, she was so excited, and it was right then I knew that this was what I wanted to do."

Along with DeSchepper, Dr. Karen Kaye, chair of the Education Department, explained that the market for teaching jobs can be bright for students who are studying fields such as special education, math and science.

Deschepper remains hopeful for employment for all aspiring teachers. "The best teachers," she says, "will always have a job."